
The digital workplace – and how to ensure it succeeds

The digital workplace provides the basis for the digital transformation and the modern ways of working that employees now expect. In practice, however, its success does not come down to the technology alone – the employee experience also has to be right. When employees also have the opportunity to build up their skills, with a digital adoption platform helping them to boost their digital dexterity, the transition to the new form of workplace will be a success.
July 15, 2023
5 min
Britt Bürgy, Product Management bei tts - knowledge matters Britt Bürgy

The digital workplace – what exactly is it?

The digital workplace is an integrated working environment where all applications, data, tools and collaboration tools are merged together. The aim is to create an efficient, digital workspace that is always available, regardless of whether an employee is working in the organization’s office space or engaging in remote work from elsewhere. All an employee needs for a hybrid workplace or remote working is an internet connection. 

Such workplaces also allow for a high level of personalization. Employees can adapt their work environment to suit their individual needs and preferences. What’s more, automation technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotic process automation are used to automate and optimize digital work processes, saving both time and resources. At the same time, security is also a key priority. 

Consequently, employees can use a digital workplace platform to collaborate remotely at a strategic, conceptual or technological level from any location – all while ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and without any risk of gaps in security. 

The digital workplace – opportunities

The digital workplace provides the basis for digitalization. It is a form of workplace that allows processes to be optimized in the first place, whether these take the form of in-house workflows or collaboration with external stakeholders.  

By rolling out digital workspaces, enterprises can: 

  • Achieve higher levels of flexibility 
  • Reduce security risks 
  • Boost employee satisfaction 
  • Lower employee turnover levels 
  • Enhance onboarding 
  • Ensure seamless collaboration 
  • Improve communication 

This all results in a higher overall level of productivity. In turn, this increase in productivity speeds up market launches and boosts the development of innovations.  

The digital workplace – challenges in implementation

When it comes to implementing a digital workplace strategy, there can be many challenges involved. For instance, it can be difficult to choose and implement the right digital technologies, since there are so many applications available, each offering different functions and cost structures. What’s more, integrating the various systems and technologies can prove challenging, since they are not all standardized or compatible with one another. 

Alongside these technical aspects, however, the biggest challenge faced by organizations primarily relates to the change their workforce needs to achieve. After all, rolling out digital workplace technologies calls for a cultural shift in the organization – but without a sufficient level of employee engagement, there is often some initial resistance to it. The switchover to the digital workplace also goes hand-in-hand with new ways of working that employees need to understand and put into practice in their day-to-day work. It all comes down to what’s known as user adoption. This is achieved, for example, by making up-to-date knowledge about new processes and workflows available to employees at every workspace and ensuring that the information provided is always perfectly suited to the task at hand. A digital adoption platform such as the tts performance suite really helps with this. 

A digital adoption platform provides support in the digital workplace

A professional digital adoption platform (DAP) such as the tts performance suite helps organizations boost their workforce’s technological skills and make a success of the digital workplace. The tts performance suite provides employees with personalized, context-specific assistance. This means that team members who require support in the digital workplace will find the exact information they’re looking for in their moment of need. What’s more, this information will be relevant to their role and the task at hand, and will be provided directly within the specific application.  

That’s why the tts performance suite DAP slogan is “Stop searching, start working”. The tts performance suite promises to significantly boost employees’ digital dexterity. Contact with the platform is uniform and consistent, thus ensuring a good employee experience. This positive experience improves employees’ skills, but that’s not all – it also boosts their willingness to collaborate in tackling the digital transformation. 

Many of the world’s leading enterprises use the tts performance suite digital adoption platform to make important knowledge available whenever and wherever it is needed within their business processes – in other words, in the digital workplace. The comprehensive DAP means an organization’s entire bank of knowledge can be pooled in a single source and made available to employees at their physical workspace – wherever that may be. Employees therefore receive exactly the support they need when working with everyday applications, new technologies and ongoing processes. What’s more, this assistance is provided across different applications and is completely personalized, too. 
As Dr. Rolf Zajonc, Managing Partner at tts, explains, the result is that “dream combo of greater satisfaction and productivity” that practically all organizations yearn for. As a digital workplace expert, he therefore advises organizations to roll out digital workplace solutions in conjunction with an adoption platform. When asked why organizations should specifically opt for the tts software, Zajonc explains: “The tts performance suite provides staff with immediate assistance for any question they have about workflows or regulations. What’s more, it provides support across applications and ensures a consistent experience in the case of hybrid working models.” 

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