Redefining retail success
When the coronavirus first struck, the European food retail market was an unlikely beneficiary. While restaurants, cafeterias, pubs, and most dining establishments had to shut their doors, online retail for food firmly established itself as a true alternative to traditional storefronts – and with even more customers.
March 23, 2021

A decisive factor for growth in market share, business agility, and sustainable resilience of successful retail companies is their ability to transfer knowledge quickly and effectively to employees in the stores.
Especially since Amazon is becoming more and more aggressive in the retail sector and is expanding its brick-and-mortar activities, the more retail companies need competent, perfectly supported, and highly efficient employees.
This whitepaper examines the current retail opportunities that old brick-and-mortar shops can leverage by creating future-oriented learning architecture for an increasingly digital future, in which satisfied customers, maximum efficiency, and real-time information will make the difference.
How performance support empowers brick and mortar for the 21st century
PDF, 1.6 MB