tts effectiveness field

The potential of learning goes far beyond knowledge acquisition
As part of the instructional design, the project objectives and, derived from these, the learning objectives for the learning opportunities to be created are formulated.
The focus is often on objectives that serve the acquisition of knowledge. However, learning opportunities can achieve much more than just building up knowledge. They can contribute to changing attitudes and perspectives on certain topics. Social learning can promote the development of informal networks for mutual support. Learning embedded in the work context changes the action patterns and possibilities of entire organizations and can therefore also have structural feedback effects and make companies more resilient and sustainable ... also in cooperation with external stakeholders.

A structured approach to identify the desired positive changes with the tts effectiveness field
tts effectiveness field
The tts effectiveness field can be used to broaden the view of the effectiveness of learning opportunities in organizations and make it possible to discuss them in workshops, for example.
To prepare, download the tts effectiveness field here as a PDF print file.
Together with your colleagues, you can proceed as follows to determine the potential effectiveness of the learning offer:
1. Start with the blank effectiveness field on an online whiteboard or printed DIN A0 poster and ask yourself the following question: In which areas of effectiveness should the proposed learning offer make a positive difference?
2. Go through the areas you want to focus on and collect initial ideas on sticky notes about the specific positive change you want to achieve.
3. Go through the unfilled areas and ask yourself critically whether there is really no potential for effectiveness here ... and why not.
4. Finally, outline which learning formats or methods you want to use to achieve the effectiveness goals. You can use the tts learning design cards, for example, as each card indicates which effectiveness can be achieved particularly well with the respective learning format.
The result of this process: You have systematically discussed in which areas and with what scope your learning offer should bring about positive change. You have also collected ideas on which learning formats you can use from your portfolio. Often, outlines of more specific goals emerge during the process, which you should also record on sticky notes.
As a next step, you can flesh out your ideas in learner journeys, for example, according to the procedure described in this article.
Reading assistance for the twelve fields of the tts effectiveness field
This matrix helps you to understand the meaning of the twelve pieces of cake:
Values | Resources | Behavior | |
Individual | Individual attitudes and perspectives that shape the actions of employees. | Knowledge, contacts, tools, infrastructure and other resources that employees can use individually for their work. | Individual action patterns and opportunities based on resources, values, motives, and goals that employees use to meet their challenges. |
Team | Shared, agreed or team negotiated and practiced principles of working together. | Knowledge, contacts, tools, infrastructure, and other resources that the team can draw upon as a basis for collaboration. | Action patterns and ways in which a team works together to achieve team goals. |
Organization | Values and social norms that are lived and shared by everyone in the organization. These shape the culture of the organization. | Organizational infrastructures, knowledge bases, networks, processes, and tools that serve as the foundation for value creation. | Organizational action patterns and possibilities that serve to create value, taking into account the relationship to political, legal, ethical and other social contexts. |
Environment | The resonance and impact of organizational culture on customers, partners, and society, and the integration of social values into the organization. | Internal and external infrastructures, knowledge bases, networks, processes, and tools that enable the organization or its parts to interact with customers, partners, and society. | Organizational patterns and opportunities for working with customers, partners, and society. |