Book club
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One of the members can lead the meeting and ask questions to prompt discussion and get the others to reflect on what they have read. The members of the group have a conversation in which they share their insights and findings with each other, helping them understand the content as a collective. Book clubs are a special variation of the “flipped classroom.”
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Employee Development through Reading -- Start a Book Club
In Forbes magazine, author Burton M. Goldfield describes how and why he offers an internal book club to employees at his company:
"Our book club provides each employee an opportunity to learn new concepts from those outside of our company, but also provides an opportunity to learn from within. Each day we interact tactically with our colleagues, but it’s not very often we get to share ideas outside of normal business context. Reading an interesting book helps to spur conversations and allows us to see fellow employees in a different light."
(german): Was lernst Du? Podcast #068 - Der Griff in die Lernformate Toolbox: Wie lernt man mit einem Buchclub, Sonja Sinz?
In this episode, hppyppl co-founder Sonja Sinz talks to Cornelia Hattula about the idea and approach of her open book club, in which people interested in HR topics meet approximately every two weeks to discuss brief sections of a previously selected book:
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