Our Guide of the Month from Microsoft Teams is still your clear favorite

Since it proved so popular, let’s take another look at it:
Meetings on Microsoft Teams are now part of our everyday working lives. However, what options are available for getting feedback from other meeting attendees? This month, you can find out how you can use Microsoft Forms to prepare a survey in the form of a word cloud.
Microsoft 365 Hacks
Word, Excel, Outlook – who isn’t familiar with them? Nowadays, the Microsoft 365 applications can be found on virtually every PC in organizations large and small. However, do you also know the tips and tricks that go with them and make your working life much easier?
Our tts performance suite acts in the moment of need to provide you with precisely the support you require for the Microsoft application you are using at the time. The concise, easy-to-understand guides take you through the application step by step.
To keep you up to speed, we are sharing our monthly Microsoft 365 hacks with you. You’ll get to know the latest features, and discover new, practical tips that you can incorporate directly into your everyday work.
By the way, as a Microsoft Empowerment maintenance customer, you can enjoy automatic access to the Microsoft 365 hacks every month via the download portal. Don’t have any access details yet? Simply send us an e-mail to MS-Empowerment@tt-s.com.
Office alone does not make a workplace digital
Microsoft 365 applications and services are essential to practically every digital workplace, but digital workplaces aren’t just about writing emails or creating PowerPoint presentations. Generally, there’s at least one other system for staff to grapple with, such as ERP, CRM or PLM software.
This is where our digital adoption solution comes in, bringing together staff, processes and technology. Only when these three variables interact smoothly is there a chance that the potential of new software applications and constantly changing business processes can be exploited in full.
Our solution, the tts performance suite, helps you boost digital adoption in your organization – regardless of whether that involves SAP S/4HANA, Salesforce, Microsoft 365, etc.
Looking back at the last twelve Guides of the Month
Each month, our Guide of the Month presents you with step-by-step instructions that we will make available to you in the tts performance suite. This time, we’re taking a look back at the last twelve Guides of the Month:
#1 – April: Determine date of an appointment with intuitive time specification (Outlook 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to set up a meeting using natural language.
#2 – May: Export favorites, passwords and other browser data from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge (Microsoft Edge)
In this guide, you will learn how to import browser data from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge. This option can be very helpful if you are setting up Microsoft Edge as your new default browser.
#3 – June: Create a word cloud poll in a Teams meeting (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to add a word cloud Forms poll as a draft to a Teams meeting. During the meeting, you can then refer back to the draft and share it with the participants.
#4 – July: Check accessibility of a document (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to use the Accessibility Checker in Microsoft applications. This function can be useful to ensure that your content is readable and editable for people with disabilities before you share a document.
#5 – August: Share a task list (To Do)
In this guide, you will learn how to share a task list that you have created with other people. This function enables you to assign tasks to your colleagues and keep track of these tasks.
#6 – September: Share a word cloud poll in a Teams meeting (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to share a Forms poll as a word cloud in a Teams meeting.
#7 – October: Find storage locations of meeting records (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to find the location of the meeting records.
#8 – November: Send Loop components (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to send Loop components in the Teams chat. Loop components are interactive content elements that can be edited directly in the chat window.
#9 – December: Schedule absence (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to plan and setup an absence in Teams and how to send automatic messages during your absence.
#10 – January: Send a praise in Teams (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to send praise to your colleagues in a Teams channel or chat.
#11 – February: Use question and answer function in a webinar (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to manage and use the question-and-answer feature in a webinar as an organizer.
#12 – March: Prevent a meeting from being forwarded (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to prevent a meeting from being forwarded by invited participants.