Share securely: prevent unauthorized file downloads

Microsoft 365 hacks
Word, Excel, Outlook – who isn’t familiar with them? Nowadays, the Microsoft 365 applications can be found on virtually every PC in organizations large and small. However, do you also know the tips and tricks that go with them and make your working life much easier?
To keep you up to speed, we have been sharing our monthly Microsoft 365 hacks with you for a while now. You get to know the latest features, and discover new, practical tips that you can incorporate directly into your everyday work.
By the way, as a Microsoft Empowerment maintenance customer, you can enjoy automatic access to the Microsoft 365 hacks every month via the download portal. You can log in there with your usual access details and download the hacks. Don’t have any access details yet? Simply drop us an email at
Office alone does not make a workplace digital
Microsoft 365 applications and services are essential to practically every digital workplace, However, there’s generally at least one other system for staff to grapple with, such as ERP, CRM or PLM software.
This is where our digital adoption solution comes in, bringing together staff, processes and technology. Only when these elements interact smoothly is there a chance that the potential of new software applications and constantly changing business processes can be exploited in full.
Our platform, the tts performance suite, helps you boost digital adoption in your organization.
New Guides in June
Block Download when sharing a file (OneDrive)
In this guide, you will learn how to block the download when sharing a file with others
Change access of a specific person from Edit to View (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, ow to restrict a file shared for editing and share it with a specific person for viewing only.
Change access of a specific person from View to Edit (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to make a file shared for viewing available for editing.
Protect a file with a password (OneDrive)
In this guide, you will learn how to protect a shared file with a password.
See who has access to a file (SharePoint)
In this guide you, will learn how to see who has access to a file in Sharepoint.
See with whom files are shared (OneDrive)
In this guide, you will learn how to see with whom you have shared a file.
Share a file for viewing (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to share a file with one or more people for viewing only. The people can then view the document, but not make any changes.
Share a file via link (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to generate a link to a shared file.
Share a file with specific people (Microsoft 365)
In this guide, you will learn how to share a file with specific people only.
Storage location of files shared in a Teams Chat (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn where files shared in a Teams chat are stored and which permissions the people who have access to the chat have regarding the shared file.
Storage location of files shared in Teams posts (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn where files that have been attached to a post in a Teams channel are stored.
Storage location of files uploaded to Teams (Teams 365)
In this guide, you will learn where files uploaded to a Teams channel are stored and which permissions the people who have access to the corresponding team have.